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I am trying to write the blog with target information and tried to generate some awareness towards SEO learning for beginner.


(Image Courtesy:

The concept of putting 55-60 character within meta-title is very much active till today where as Google do index title in Pixel wise. They index up to 600 pixel and show up to 515-520 Pixel during search result. Once They stopped showing Google advertisement on right hand side they extend the width of the meta-title and it become now near about 70-71 character which comes to 515-520 pixel.


It’s a year old trick which maximum people does not aware of, be it clients of newly learned / trained people who are trying to enter into this field. It will be better to start with my observation while I do SEO Audit for my clients or during consulting and when I do take interview or I involve in a webinar. So I am trying to share the information with some of my experience so that I can create some rules into this.


My observation:

    1. Clients: I can bet more than 99% of clients globally does not know about this change. They only know about 55-60 character tips while writing meta-title. It’s not their fault, quite normal I can explain it though.
    2. Employee/trained/students: I have been taking interview for last 3/4 years and took over 100+ interviews during this time mostly up to 6 months of work experience as I believe in hiring freshers mostly. Some of them used to be freshers, someone are trained from some reputed institutions, Someone are trying to learn for self knowledge even into their college life and most importantly someone who are looking for changes for better opportunity at the early stage of the professional career. All knows how to write SEO meta-title and they knows it right but don’t know it’’s basic and ever changed tips of Google and most importantly in my calculation just for this tips of writing title it’s more than 90% in Kolkata/Delhi/Orissa/Bihar/Jharkhand, more than 75% in India and 80-85% globally. I am excluding experienced professional from this list as they are used to be regular follower of popular blogs like Search Engine Land, Mashable, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal and many more like this and enjoy to see this extremely dynamic industry to be changed every now and then like me. But my question is that whether these fresh minds should know this tips and tricks at the very early stage of their learning or it’s about to learn with time and experience. I personally don’t think so but yes, still it’s not their fault and I can explain it.

Now here it’s My explanation coming through observation and people behavior while learning things by their way.

The major problem is creating by none other than Google itself. When a client plans to start doing SEO after completing it’s website design and development, what’s the first job they do, does anybody noticed that. More than 25% of new clients who just finished their first website developed to showcase their businesses or services, heard about the word SEO first time or heard something more from his designer or developer and learned that it may help their business if they do that. So the first step they do is that they try to learn things by its own and come up with some year old basic strategy of SEO which are still there at the top of the search engines and really doing well because of it’s high link popularity. They come to know about the character restriction but they could not come up with that Google has changed it a year back and now they index the meta-title up to 600 character and show up to 515-520 character in search engine. So once they hear about it, they become shocked and pat my back thinking that I know so many things. What else I can do then without explaining them that it’s a year old tips.

On the other hand freshers and college students are on the same track like normal clients and have only option to learn online and come up with year old things. I know that those basics are strong like diamond and it will never hurt anything but still they can’t come up with inside of it. So again Google is the culprit for this and seriously Google need to look at this again with serious attention for the future of this industry. Still it’s not a big concern as those people will surely come up with the process that how to learn SEO properly even if you want to learn it by yourself.

The biggest concern is newly trained people from reputed institutions or people are looking for changes after 4-5-6 months of working as freshers or executive in some companies. For institutions what I noticed mostly all over India that the study manual/materials does not get changed even once in a year. Somebody does change it but still not much in content, change in representation of manual with more graphics and enhancement of content. I don’t know why institution are going for to develop human robots by throwing some process knowledge only, but why can’t they show the mechanism and how the outcome has been derived from the work they do and who is getting rewarded by Google and how to do this to be step ahead from your competitors. I am sorry to say, it’s a high time for all those institution to go paperless and start teaching on whiteboard with proper explanation and daily updated trends. There is no meaning of manuals in SEO fields. (Please excuse me if I hurt anybody by giving my honest view). Start teaching them mostly how to adapt with this ever changing industry and how to grow up with proper knowledge by creating strong base.

For those people who are looking for changes, I do feel sorry for them as they knows everything but has no basics of it and the big failure are those companies who does not guide their people with proper knowledge and just know doing some Onpage and link building. They only knows what are the things to do and they give them list of work to do and effort judges with time they spend doing those work as we are still leaving in this world where companies sell “time” to clients and to prepare packages for SEO. Practically SEO could not have any specific packages. Nobody till today could not explain me things and justify the preparation of SEO packages. I would be much happier to anybody if he/she can explain me the viability of SEO Packages.

On the other hand even if some people able to answer me this question over writing meta-title and pixel, they can’t tell me that why and how Google has changed it, when they have changed it, what the logic behind it to go with longer version. This is because they have lost the appetite to know more and stay happy by just knowing the information from outside. It seems something like reading newspaper in hurry by sitting on commod and you have just 10 minutes to cover the full newspaper. All can imagine what can be happened then. .

So I am mentioning here few blogs to know more this in depth as I can now understand my blog is getting bigger and controversial. So here these are:

There are many more informative links on this topics and you can found those while researching on it.

  1. Tools to write: Here it’s a simple tool I do use and people can use Microsoft Word also to write the title tag properly. (It’s a wonderful platform to write and test your meta-title and keep on checking the pixel you have taken to write that)…


NB: In my next blog I will write over SEO Meta-title and how to look at it ….