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Website for a business used to be called the gateway or the face of that business. If you try to build business globally or locally you need to focus on many things irrespective of the present situation during website design and development. I have come across many good looking websites but they are not getting expected ranking as well leads are not coming this way and on the same note gone through many average website doing extremely good. Many websites are doing well in Europe but not the same way in Australia or USA. Why it’s so. Lower conversion rate, lower spending time while visiting, not pulling new unique visitor quite regularly, people not going through all the information, etc etc. there are many issues like these used to be there within website. In this post I will not say something traditional and widely known tactics and process but will say something which really comes into business and what I have found during my Forensic Audit work.


  1. Taste of country: Like If you try to build for a client for middle-east countries, try to bring the flag color within their website, Australian likes to have star shown on the top of their website with blue color theme. USA like to have a lead capture form on the top slider but not a sticky way and love oranges and green mostly and most importantly they like to have one-page website with short and target content as they used to get in much hurries situation and have less time to go through plenty of content and they really don’t bother much for so many content. British people mostly love to read more and more content and do better searching than US people. They used to roam much than any other person globally. So there are plenty of small observation which usually comes with experience and knowledge and can be taken care while developing any sites.
  2. Blogging: Always has the positive potentiality with having it
  3. Way of communication through website: It’s mainly based on Language and way of content representation within the sites.
  4. Color of Business: Color changes with business like travel, chemical, real estate, personal service, and little research on it can help the appearance of it.
  5. Searching behavior of people: This part mostly comes into play while doing keyword research work as the same keyword behaves many wise with country.
  6. Positioning lead generation form: Lead capture form has to be there on the first view of the website except eCommerce website.
  7. Positioning Social icons: It’s not become a trend to show it on the top of the site-bar or on the left or right side as a sticky or floating way and it must keep active as social activities also rise the value of branding.
  8. What to put at home page: Everybody should remember that Homepage is the gateway to inner pages for more information. It must be designed in such a way so as to move visitor to inner pages from it’s home page.
  9. Footer: This is the only places to do your experiment and can design and put information any way matching the other part of the site.
  10. Thank You Page: This used to be a great presence but sad to see that more than 98% of websites I hardly see that but this page have great potentiality in terms of further communication and majorly to popularize your social media profiles